
ISPM is responsible for the training of medical students in the fields of social and preventive medicine, epidemiology and evidence-based medicine. It offers courses at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels.

ISPM lecturers and courses

For courses from autumn semester 2019 onwards:

To see the schedule of the lecturers, please click on the following link: https://www.ksl.unibe.ch

  1. Log in with your Campus Account and click on “Standard timetables” on the left side.
  2. Select the following items:
    • • Subject: Human Medicine
    • • Semester: choose a semester
    • • Timetable: choose a study year
    • • Select a date and then click on “Go to date”
  3. Then you can easily set a filter right down at the bottom of the page to find a specific lecturer.
  4. Then click on “Apply filters”


Last name First name
Aebi Christoph
Althaus Christian
Auer Reto
Bano Arjola
Barben Jürg
Bender Nicole
Bosshard Christoph
Deflorin Otmar
Estill Janne
Fenner Lukas
Frahsa Annika
Furrer Hansjakob
Gastaldon Chiara
Goutaki Myrona
Haas Andreas
Hasler Rebecca
Iff Samuel
Jent Philipp
Kopp Doris
Kühni Claudia
Low Nicola
Lüthi Lara
Minder Beatrice
Reichenbach Stephan
Rutjes Anne
Salanti Georgia
Schäfer-Fischer Stefan
Spycher Ben
Schwappach David
Trelle Sven
Vicedo Ana
Wandeler Gilles
Zwahlen Marcel
Zyska Anja