Research Group: Climate Epidemiology and Public Health

The Climate Epidemiology and Public Health research team aims to combine knowledge and methods in environmental epidemiology, public health, and climate sciences to develop innovative research that will help advance evidence on the impacts of climate change on human health.

Our research focuses on high-priority topics today in climate epidemiology, namely, health impact attribution studies, projections of health impacts under climate change scenarios and assessment of health impacts of climate-related hazards and compound weather events (i.e., ACTUAL project). We explore new datasets and methods to enhance our understanding of human vulnerabilities to extreme weather events and hazards. The team also collaborates with regional and local stakeholders to develop tools for improving adaptation to climate change (i.e., NCCS-impacts Health project). We are also collaborating with renowned experts from other fields on urban health, heat warning systems and weather forecasts. Finally, our research also focuses on highly vulnerable populations to climate change, such as mental health patients, older adults and pregnant women.

The group is a member of the Multi-City Multi-Country Collaborative Research Network, and the Oeschger Center of Climate Change Research of the University of Bern.

If you want to stay updated with our research projects and the most important activities of our research group, you can subscribe to our newsletter. 

Group leader

Group members

If you want to stay updated with our research projects and the most important activities of our research group, you can subscribe to our newsletter.

February 2025

Team Retreat

Our team enjoyed a relaxing and memorable retreat in Neuchâtel. We kicked things off with a curling session, where some of us discovered hidden talent on the ice. Later, we explored the stunning Neuchâtel Castle on a guided tour. The day ended with a delicious dinner, where we shared great food and even better company.

February 2025

Uni Aktuell interview

Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera spoke with Uni Aktuell about the challenges she faced as a woman in academia.

December 2024

SNSF Ambizione grant

Coral Salvador has received the SNSF Ambizione grant! Her project IGIA-SETH ("Unravelling the impacts of droughts on human health") aims to advance knowledge on the global impacts of droughts on health from a holistic approach and clarify mechanisms and vulnerabilites using robust methods in climate epidemiology. She will join us Summer 2025. Congratulations, Coral!

May 2024

Two members of our team receive grants

Apolline Saucy receives the UniBE Initiator Grant and Sidarth Sivaraj has been awarded the UniBE Doc.Mobility Grant. Congratulations!

April 2024

2024 EGU General Assembly, Vienna

Members of our team joined the EGU conference in Vienna presenting their research and meeting researchers from different disciplines.

April 2024

24th Swiss Global Change Day

Our group members participated in the Swiss Global Change Day.  We are happy to announce that Lilian won the prize for the best poster. Congrats!


December 2023

Uni Aktuell article about the climate facts for 2023

At the COP 28 world climate conference in Dubai, the global community is currently trying to limit human-made global warming. Where is climate change already making itself felt today? Four researchers from the University of Bern present climate facts 2023 in video statements. Read more

November 2023

Interview with Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera

Recently, Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera gave an interview to the Library of Medicine of the University of Bern presenting her research. Here you find the Instagram post of the Library of Medicine.

November 2023

Habilitation Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera

Last October, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bern granted the venia docendi along with the appointment as Associate Professor to Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera. See the presentation video in the Faculty Board Meeting of the 25th of October 2023.

Oktober 2023

ENBEL conference - Connecting health and climate change (Stockholm, October 11th & 12th)

The members of the team presented several ongoing works in this international scientific event, and had a productive exchange with experts on climate change and health attending the event.

September 2023

"Beat the heat" workshop (Zurich, September 15th)

Sujung Lee, Adrienne Wehrli, Evan de Schrijver and Coral Salvador attended the 2nd workshop "Beat the heat", an event that gathered experts on urban heat in Switzerland.

September 2023

OCCR Plenary meeting (Bern, September 11th)

Prof. Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera gave a keynote at the last plenary meeting of the Oeschger Center for Climate Change research of UniBe.

April 2023

European Geoscience Union's EGU Vienna Conference: A Platform for Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

Vienna, 23.04.2023 - The European Geoscience Union's (EGU) annual conference in Vienna brought together over 15,000 participants from 107 countries for a week of scientific exchange and collaboration from the field of natural sciences, covering topics ranging from the deep interior of the Earth to the pressing challenges of climate change, the event proved to be a hub of diverse knowledge and expertise.

EGU Vienna, organized annually, provides a unique opportunity for scientists from different fields to collaborate and address the complexities inherent in their respective areas of study. From climate scientists to experts in extreme event attribution, insurance, and re-insurance, attendees recognized the need for cross-collaboration to tackle the multifaceted issues confronting the planet.

Our Climate Change and Health team actively engaged in various sessions, presenting our research and contributing to the conference's visibility. Among the notable contributions were:

Dr. Coral Salvador, a post-doctoral researcher from the Climate Change and Health team, shared her recent work investigating the impact of heat on acute cardiovascular disease events in adults aged 40-75 years residing in Madrid.

Sidharth Sivaraj presented results from his ongoing PhD project on the role of humidity in high heat-related mortality events. His study, part of the compound weather and climate events session, shed light on the emerging field of combined extreme events, such as extreme heat and humidity. Sidharth emphasized the importance of exchanging concepts and methodologies between multi-disciplinary fields to understand climate change's health impacts better and to provide a better understanding of the foundational challenges shared in both fields.

Prof. Dr. Ana Vicedo-Cabrera presented a groundbreaking study quantifying the footprint of human-induced climate change on heat-related deaths during Switzerland's scorching summer of 2022. This study, recently published in Environmental Research Letters, piqued the interest of diverse audiences from various fields due to the practical approach taken, highlighting the need for collaboration between climate scientists and epidemiologists.

Laura Paredes-Fortuny, a Ph.D. student at the Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies, showcased her research on the impact of heatwave characteristics on mortality in Spanish cities. Her project, undertaken in collaboration with our Climate Change and Health team at ISPM (during the fall of 2022), garnered significant attention at the conference.

Dr. Evan de Schrijver received great interest in his poster presentation on "Nationwide Projections of Heat- and Cold-Related Mortality Impacts under Climate Change and Population Development Scenarios in Switzerland." Here, he showcased the novel approach of incorporating population development projections in future health impact modeling, a necessity yet a modelling approach that is still so often overlooked.

EGU Vienna emerged as a premier platform to foster connections beyond the field of epidemiology. The conference demonstrated the significance of collaborating with climate scientists and utilizing their data to estimate health impacts on society. The wealth of knowledge exchanged and the willingness to work together for a sustainable future was evident throughout the event.

For more information on the studies presented during the conference, please visit:

SNF Logo

ACTUAL ("Advancing research on extreme humid heat and health") aims to advance knowledge about the impact of humid heat on human health through developing, diversifying, and applying new methodologies, data resources, and settings beyond existing current state-of-the-art approaches in climate epidemiology.

Led by Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, it is a SNSF Starting Grant 2022 project funded with 1.7 million CHF for 5 years, starting in June 2023.

Extreme heat is considered among the most hazardous environmental factors for human health. From the perspective of human physiology, hot temperatures are particularly harmful with concurrent high humidity. In the epidemiological literature, however, the role of humidity as a driver of heat stress remains unclear, and even debatable based on the contradictive findings obtained so far. Clarifying inconsistencies in the temperature-humidity-health triangle and providing reliable, robust scientific evidence on the impact of humid heat among populations is urgently needed to efficiently address health-related challenges from climate change. ACTUAL seeks to clarify these inconsistencies through a series of case studies or experiments which were carefully designed to answer the following questions: Is temperature enough to capture the effect of heat stress? or should we consider humidity as well? and, in which settings or populations?

Case study 0 provide a theoretical framework showing the links between temperature, humidity and health that will support the design of three large epidemiological studies. See our recent publication led by Sidharth Sivaraj on causal diagrams and heat-humidity-health nexus.

In case study 1, the team is using a probabilistic framework to compare excess mortality estimates at extremely humid and dry heat events.

In case studies 2 and 3, the team will derive vulnerability profiles to humid heat by summarizing risks from mortality and hospitalization data from a worldwide database, and from data collected through commercial wristbands, respectively.

Finally, case study 4 aims to assess the impact of humid heat on health among a high-risk population, specifically the city of Basse Santa Su (The Gambia in Sub-Saharan Africa), in collaboration with MRC Gambia-LSHTM unit. The project team has already started collecting data in the study site and will run until December 2025.

The project counts on the collaboration of renowned researchers in the various fields relevant to the project, ranging from physiologists to climate scientists and epidemiologists. Together with these collaborators, the team aims to shed light on the complex links between heat, humidity and health, and, altogether, provide valuable evidence on current and future impacts of extreme heat on human health under a warming climate.

The project «Impacts of climate change on health, well-being and performance of humans and animals and food safety in Switzerland» ("NCCS-Impacts-Health") aims to provide up-to-date, robust, actionable scientific evidence on climate change impacts on health based on existing knowledge gaps and evidence needs that would feed into decision-making processes at national, regional, and local scales in Switzerland. The project applies a transdisciplinary approach by which relevant stakeholders and researchers will participate in a continuous dialogue (“co-creation” and “co-implementation”). The overarching aim is to support the development of strategies and interventions to help strengthen the resilience of the health of the Swiss population and its healthcare system to climate change.

The project is led by Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, with the contribution of a group of experts in public health, epidemiology, veterinary, statistics and climate change from different faculties and institutes at the University of Bern, and communication and dissemination experts from EBP.

This project is part of the NCCS program «Decision Support for Dealing with Climate Change in Switzerland: a cross-sectoral approach» («NCCS-Impacts»), which aims to provide actionable climate services for the environment, society, politics and economy in Switzerland.

NCCS-Impacts-Health started in February 2023 and will run until November 2025. The project is structured in four thematic modules led by researchers of the University of Bern (Modules 1 (Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, ISPM), 3 (Gertraud Schüpbach, Fac. Veterinary), 4 (Julien Riou, ISPM)) and from BLV/Agroscope (Module 2 (Antonia Ruckli)). There are two transversal modules, namely, Module 0 led by Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera and Module 5, led by the communication services company EBP.

Module 0 is responsible for the coordination of the project and administration.  

Module 1 aims to assess the vulnerability to heat of the general population, with particular focus on the older population, and the health system in Switzerland, including health professionals and infrastructure. 

Module 2 aims to elaborate recommendations for farmers and stakeholders that will aid to maintain and improve the health, welfare and performance of pigs and poultry exposed to heat. 

Module 3 aims to develop a decision-support tool for food safety in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. 

Module 4 aims to perform a comprehensive assessment of current and future risks associated with vector-borne diseases (VBD) in Switzerland, with a particular focus on infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. 

Module 5 aims to apply methods from a user-centered design to ensure the proper communication of the research findings and boost a positive and proactive response from the stakeholders. 

TACTIC ("Health impact toolkit for climate change attribution") is a 3-year research project that has been recently funded by Wellcome Trust (Call Attriverse - Developing Digital Solutions for Health Impact Attribution). The project will start in March 2025 and aims to develop a living digital toolkit to facilitate research illuminating attributable health impact of climate change. It is a consortium led by Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, with researchers from Spain (Prof. Rachel Lowe, Barcelona Supercomputing Center), UK (Dr Rupert Stuart- Smith, Oxford University), US (Dr Sadie Ryan, University of Florida), Peru (Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia), Colombia (Dr Mauricio Santos, University of Los Andes), Mozambique (Dr Tatiana Marrufo, National Health Institute), Malawi (Dr James Chirombo, Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Center) and from World Meteorological Organization (Dr Joy Guillot Shumake).

The toolkit will be co-produced with key stakeholders and informed by communities facing climate-driven health impacts. Organized in hubs and deployed in a website platform, our toolkit will deliver up-to-date data, didactic methodological resources, and additional information to support researchers and other stakeholders in conducting health attribution studies. The team will furnish the toolkit with new evidence and methods refined by the project team on understudied policy-relevant research questions (i.e., contribution of individual emitters, impact of emission pathways and overshoot scenarios, comparison of attribution methods, development of policy-relevant health indicators) in climate change hotspots (i.e., Southern Africa, the Andes, and the Mediterranean). The team will conduct a series of case studies, of high priority to local decision-makers and communities, on neglected health outcomes and their unequal impact (e.g., climate-sensitive infectious diseases, kidney disease, mental health, maternal health). The team will develop communication guidelines and policy-relevant insights on the health burden of climate change to improve science-to policy translation and maximize the impact of the findings. The TACTIC toolkit will boost capacity building in low resource settings and advance knowledge and awareness on climate change impacts on health.

Teaching activities

Several members of the team participate and/or lead several teaching activities on topics around climate epidemiology, planetary health and biostatistics at the University of Bern and overseas.

We also supervise MSc thesis, doctoral thesis and PhD thesis from the University of Bern and other international institutions.

For an updated list of all publications of the team, please access the ORCID account of Prof. Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera

Sivaraj, S., Zscheischler, J., Buzan, J.R., Martius, O., Brönnimann, S., Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M. (2024). Heat, humidity and health impacts: How causal diagrams can help tell the complex story. Environ. Res. Lett, 19, 7.

Bouverat C, Badjie J, Samateh T, Saidy T, Murray KA, Prentice AM, Maxwell N, Haines A, Vicedo Cabrera AM, Bonell A.Sci Rep. 2024 Oct 23;14(1):24977. Integrating observational and modelled data to advance the understanding of heat stress effects on pregnant subsistence farmers in the gambia doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-74614-y

Paredes-Fortuny, L., Salvador, C., Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M., & Khodayar, S. (2024). Geographical patterns in mortality impacts due to heatwaves of different characteristics in Spanish cities. GeoHealth, 8, e2024GH001092.

The team has contributed to several articles that are included in the Special MCC Collection published by the Environmental Epidemiology journal:

Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera contributed to the ProClim - FLASH article of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT):

Chen, Kai; de Schrijver, Evan; Sivaraj, Sidarth; Sera, Francesco; Scovronick, Noah; Jiang, Leiwen; Roye, Dominic; Lavigne, Eric; Kyselý, Jan; Urban, Aleš; Schneider, Alexandra; Huber, Veronika; Madureira, Joana; Mistry, Malcolm N.; Cvijanovic, Ivana; MCC Collaborative Research Network, Gasparrini, Antonio; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M. (2024): Impact of population aging on future temperature-related mortality at different global warming levels. Nature Communications 15, 1796.

Blattner, Charlotte E.; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M.; Frölicher, Thomas L.; Ingold, Karin; Raible, Christoph C.; Wyttenbach, Judith (2023): How Science Bolstered a Key European Climate-Change Case. Nature 621.

De Schrijver, Evan; Sivaraj, Sidarth; Raible, Christoph C.; Franco, Oscar H.; Chen, Kai; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M. (2023): Nationwide Projections of Heat- and Cold-Related Mortality Impacts Under Various Climate Change and Population Development Scenarios in Switzerland. Environmental Research Letters 18.

Salvador, Coral; Gullón, Pedro; Franco, Manuel; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M. (2023): Heat-related first cardiovascular event incidence in the city of Madrid (Spain): Vulnerability assessment by demographic, socioeconomic, and health indicators. Environmental Research 226.

De Schrijver, Evan; Bundo, Marvin; Ragettli, Martina S.; Sera, Francesco; Gasparrini, Antonio; Franco, Oscar H.; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M. (2022): Nationwide Analysis of the Heat- and Cold-Related Mortality Trends in Switzerland between 1969 and 2017: The Role of Population Aging. Environmental Health Perspectives 130:3.

Lee, Sujung; Salvador, Coral; Tuel, Alexandre; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M. (2023): Exploring the association between precipitation and hospital admission for mental disorders in Switzerland between 2009 and 2019. PLoS ONE 18:4.

Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M.; de Schrijver, Evan; Schumacher, Dominik L.; Ragettli, Martina S.; Fischer, Erich M.; Seneviratne, Sonia I. (2023): The footprint of human-induced climate change on heat-related deaths in the summer of 2022 in Switzerland. Environmental Research Letters 18.