Saucy Apolline, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Research - Climate Epidemiology and Public Health

+41 31 684 67 18
Postal Address
Mittelstrasse 43, 3012 Bern

I am an environmental epidemiologist with expertise in urban health, exposure modelling, and observational health studies. My research sits at the intersection of epidemiology, public health, and environmental sciences, with a strong commitment to health equity. Specifically, I am interested in advancing evidence and methods to elucidate the links between urban stressors and human health, focusing on vulnerable populations. I seek to enhance interdisciplinary research to provide transformative evidence to help improve population resilience to current and future environmental threats. As part of my research, I specialized in self-matched epidemiological study designs to understand the impact of changes in noise, but also air pollution, and the urban environment on cardio-respiratory health. As part of the Climate Change and Health team, I am co-leading the research activities of the ACTUAL project on the impacts of humid heat on high-risk populations in The Gambia. I also teach planetary health, environmental epidemiology, and statistics at ISPM and the University of Bern.

April 2024 – now
Advanced postdoctoral researcher in the CCH team, part of the ACTUAL project

April 2021 – March 2024
SNSF postdoctoral fellow at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Air Pollution and Urban Environment Programme.

March 2017 – March 2021
PhD candidate and scientific collaborator at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (SwissTPH), Basel, Switzerland, Department of Epidemiology.

08.2017 – 03.2021
PhD in Epidemiology (Summa cum Laude)
Prof. Martin Röösli
Universität Basel - BS, CH
SwissTPH, Epidemiology and Public Health Department, Environment and Health Unit

09.2015 – 03.2017
MSc in Epidemiology (6/6)
Dr. Kees de Hoogh
Universität Basel - BS, CH
SwissTPH, Epidemiology and Public Health Department, Environment and Health Unit