Lee Sujung, MSc

PhD Student

Research - Climate Epidemiology and Public Health

+41 31 684 68 79
Postal Address
Mittelstrasse 43, 3012 Bern

PhD Thesis: «Identify individual vulnerability profile to heat», Supervisor: Ana Vicedo

My current research centers on conducting comprehensive assessments on vulnerabilities to heat that will help stakeholders better manage resources and design interventions to protect populations from heat.

One of my PhD projects aims to design and estimate a heat vulnerability by neighborhood, combining information on individual- and area-level characteristics that modulate heat vulnerability, including demographic and socioeconomic variables, environmental characteristics, and urban elements. This project will identify high-risk neighborhoods (e.g., those with high vulnerability and a high level of urban heat island effect), assess the characteristics of these neighborhoods, examine existing or planned adaptation measures, and propose potential interventions to mitigate risks and enhance population resilience.

In addition, we focus on recognizing clinical profiles that are particularly vulnerable to heat among Switzerland's elderly population. Leveraging hospitalization data linked with high-resolution temperature information, we assess the risks associated with high temperatures and extreme heat events. Our discoveries will inform targeted strategies to safeguard vulnerable subgroups and enhance their well-being.

Current Occupational Status

From May 2023
PhD student in Climate Change and Health Impacts
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine and Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.

Academic Qualifications

MSc in Climate Sciences
Graduate School of Climate Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

BSc in Earth Science Education and General Science
College of Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea