First international patient conference on Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Thesis paper on the escalation model of the Swiss Epidemics Act (EpidA)
How do Swiss junior physicians experience and cope with moral distress?
«The World in Crisis - Climate Change, Pandemic and War», MMS Symposium, 2. November 2022
Best presentation at Papua New Guinea Medical Symposium 2022 for project likely to lead to implementation
Best abstract awards at the European Respiratory Society Congress 2022
Congratulations to Christoph Bosshard as one of the teachers of the year!
National Institutes of Health supplement grants for HIV, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis and Cancer research groups
The work of Anna Severin and colleagues from ISPM Bern, the Swiss National Science Foundation and University College Dublin was recently featured in nature.
02.09.2022 – Anna, a PhD student at ISPM, is interviewed about her work that was reported in a preprint article in July. Analysing 10,000 peer review reports submitted to Publons, the team, found that reviews at journals with higher impact factors spend more time discussing a paper’s methods but less time on suggesting improvements than do reviews at lower-impact journals. However, the differences between high- and low-impact journals were modest and variability was high, suggesting that a journal’s impact factor is “a bad predictor for the quality of review of an individual manuscript”. Continue reading
ISPM Researchers at the “Night of Research” event of the University of Bern
The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study celebrated its 15th birthday
Prof. Nicola Low is the vice-chair of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee regarding the multi-country monkeypox outbreak
Emma Hodcroft wins 2022 Johanna Dürmüller-Bol DBMR Research Award
Healthy weight as a multifaceted societal challenge – commentary on the impact of BMI on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness
Katayoun Taghavi has been awarded a Postdoc.Mobility grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation
Recruitment started for DTG Resist study
5 million CHF to make routine data from children’s hospitals available for science
SGP talent prize 2022 winner
Prof. Schwappach joins the ISPM to establish as research focus on patient safety, supported by a cooperation between the Swiss Medical Association (FMH) and the ISPM
Teenage Pregnancy - How do We Address the Needs and Rights of Teenage Girls?
Awards for best publication and best presentation at the Swiss Pulmonology Congress 2022
Research project on the transmission of viral respiratory pathogens in schools
International Cancer Survivor Symposium 2022 welcomed almost 200 participants
PD Dr. Christian Althaus starts lecture series at Collegium generale
European Respiratory Journal – new early career editor and peer review award 2021
Congratulations! Dr. Kathrin Zürcher wins GCB PhD student award
A study led by a researcher of ISPM, the most influential climate paper in 2021
Postmarketing surveillance of breakthrough SMA therapies