IEFM’s successful MEMdoc Portal, a system that facilitates the documentation process for clinicians and improves the quantity and quality of the collected data [link] has continued to grow. So has the need for ISPM’s methodological expertise to analyze these complex, international and national datasets. The University has therefore decided to combine the two institutes’ strengths in medical informatics and clinical epidemiology.
With this merger the combined workforce of around 150 will provide the critical mass to further develop the MEMdoc Portal and to design, maintain and analyze large healthcare registries and clinical databases in Switzerland and abroad using state-of-the-art technologies and methods.
One of the major challenges in developing software for medical environments is creating an effective communication chain between IT developers and the clinical staff in the hospitals. With the development team under the same roof as the medical research and customer support teams, the communication channels are expedited and the development team provided with timely and valuable feedback about the needs of the end users.