Join BEready and help prepare for the next pandemic!

21.05.2024 – Join the University of Bern's BEready study, involving 1500 households in the Canton of Bern, to prepare for future pandemics, epidemics, and infectious diseases. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for better preparation and data to combat infections, as over 14,000 deaths in Switzerland showed the severe impact of being unprepared.

Any household in the Canton of Bern can join the study. Children and pets are warmly welcome to participate in BEready too. The initial visit includes a brief checkup and blood sample at sitem-insel or a nearby location. For dogs and cats, blood samples are taken at a vet clinic, and travel expenses are reimbursed.

Participants will complete an annual online health questionnaire and provide a fingertip blood sample at home. Occasionally, participants may need to send swabs or samples if certain illnesses occur, with all materials and postage provided.

The study is long-term, but participants can leave at any time. There are no costs for participants or their health insurance, and participation is voluntary with no payment. Regular updates on the research will be provided.

Conducted under Swiss law with ethical approval, the study ensures strict data protection measures. Prof. Dr. med. Nicola Low, Principal Investigator of BEready, emphasises the importance of starting this research now to build a safer future. Join BEready and help us prepare for the next pandemic!

Eva Maria Hodel, Emily Lim, Franziska Iff, Lea Gasser, Simone Schuller, Gilles Wandeler, Nicola Low