A living evidence resource for research prioritisation in mental health

09.06.2023 – Prof Georgia Salanti, Dr Virginia Chiocchia and Thomy Tonia are part of a new international collaboration called Global Alliance for Living Evidence on aNxiety, depressiOn and pSychosis (GALENOS). The research programme, funded by Wellcome, aims to tackle the challenges of mental health research by creating a continuously updated, comprehensive and trustworthy synthesis of the relevant scientific research including both human and preclinical studies.

The global, multidisciplinary consortium involves mental health clinicians, researchers, evidence synthesis methodologists, statisticians, and experts in technology and data science, as well as wider engagement with people with mental health conditions.
The main output from GALENOS will be a series of free-to-access living systematic reviews focusing on pharmacological treatments, social and psychological interventions, and diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive tools in depression, anxiety, and psychosis. A perspective article published in the BMJ Mental Health explains how this project will allow the mental health community to better identify the research questions that most urgently need to be answered.

More information about GALENOS can be found on galenos.org.uk.